Recovery and Rehabilitation
Anyone who suffers from orthopedic or neurological damage in India as a result of a stroke or accident will receive a more or less adequate acute treatment there, depending on the financial possibilities. Downstream treatment for rehabilitation is usually very inadequate or not at all. The consequences for the patient and his family are usually catastrophic and often end in poverty, either because the patient is incapacitated and stays or the family is so required for the care of the patient that they no longer, by work, for a living can contribute. Also the inability to work of patients suffering from acute or chronic back or shoulder pain increases strongly.
The Indian health care system does not yet have any really suitable forms of therapy or even therapy centers for the reintegration of such patients.
Rehabilitation therapy has its origins in Germany and, associated with that, a worldwide acknowledged medical knowledge and experience. We would like to use this knowledge and experience in Asha Vihar to enable patients to reintegrate into their everyday life or work. That is why the first center for pain and neuro-rehabilitation in India is being created on our campus. Another advantage is that we have a broader base in this field due to our many years of experience in TCM and Ayurveda and can thus work more “holistically”.
The rush of patients is already so great that we have to work with waiting lists. The popularity of doctors and larger hospitals is great, as it is completely lacking in such facilities. An enormous incentive for us!

The newly built ramp allows barrier-free access to the converted therapy center.
Through donations, we were able to equip the therapy center with a medical training therapy room (MTT), which can be counted as an important part of rehabilitation therapy.
We are also setting up rooms for occupational therapy, physiotherapy, electrotherapy, group gymnastics, meditation and counseling and training room for patients and relatives. There is a course for Nordic Walking and acupuncture is of course an important aspect of the treatment plan.

Working with the patient in MTT (Medical Training Therapy)

The ergometer is used to build muscle and endurance
The REHAB-Team
For the rehabilitation of patients, we have put together a completely new and highly motivated team. It is led by Dr. Pawan Sinha, who spent two months in the German Bad Zwischenahn Reha Center, was able to study the working methods and even further from there, through Dr. med. Georg Zechel is supplied with knowledge.
Since occupational therapy is rarely practiced in India and there are hardly any therapists, we are urgently looking for volunteers in Germany who would like to pass on their knowledge to our team.

Dr. Georg Zechel (right) continuously supports the Rehab team in Asha Vihar with regard to content and medical issues

The team of therapists discussing individual therapy