The situation of the people in the countryside is not easy. And if a part of the family breaks away due to illness, the families are often unable to earn a living and certainly not enable their children to get an education.
And we – we make room for more children. With your support, we can start renovating the roofs of the children’s homes. The ravages of time over the last 25 years meant that the roofs became leaky and some of them broke off. As a result, the upper floor of one house and half of the ground floor of another were no longer habitable.
Two months ago we started with the first house. At the same time, the roof of the second house is being renovated. We must finish before the rainy season begins. Once the work is complete, we have created space for 13 new children.
Not only the roofs have to be renewed. Windows and doors need to be replaced and a new coat of paint applied. Maybe new beds for the children are possible?
It would be great if you could support us.
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